
Binary Search Tree

Fact1. Inorder traversal of BST

Fact2. Successor (after node)

Fact3. Predecessor (before node)

(The above image is from

[Medium] No.701 Insert into a Binary Search Tree

Approach: recursion

Time Complexity: O(H), H = logN if it's a balanced tree. O(H)/O(logN) in the average case, and O(N) in the worst case.

Space Complexity: O(H) to keep the recursion stack, where H is a tree height. H =logN for the balanced tree. O(N) in the worst case.

[Medium] No.450 Delete Node in a BST

Approach: recursion and finding successor

Time Complexity: O(H), H = logN if it's a balanced tree. O(H)/O(logN) in the average case, and O(N) in the worst case.

Space Complexity: O(H) to keep the recursion stack, where H is a tree height. H =logN for the balanced tree.

[Medium] No.96. Unique Binary Search Trees

(The above image is from

Approach: dynamic programming

Time Complexity: O(N^2)

Space Complexity: O(N)